There might be times when the attacker gets you by surprise and we can't live our Lifes in a code Red. Situational awareness will assist in getting your out of danger, or at least buy you time. But learning how and when to counter ambush your attacker, is a skill we all need to learn.
Counter Ambush
Updated: Nov 11, 2022
Yes…we where looking at simnition, but was reconsidering the airsofts . 2023, we are bring up the game. Thank you for your continued support. PS, I did look at that other training…some nice ideas, but they where pricey.
Have you guys looked into any airsoft force on force training ideas? Can be done in or outdoors. Finding a space to allow that might be challenging but can be done. Range training is helpful, but two way training cannot be beaten. And could teach some invaluable lessons to those who intend on carrying. Being shot at brings a whole new spin up on how you react, and draws out your abilities to react or not. Granted we're talking about plastic bbs but it stings and let's you know you're hit.